Knowledge CenterE-Valuate

Are you still maintaining your timetables, schedules, assessment materials in heaps of papers?

Do you have interview feedbacks and candidates’ scores available in minutes?

E-Valuate is a paperless assessment system. It organizes your company’s interview schedule, timetables, assessment criteria, competencies etc. and analyses your data to generate evidence. Having powerful system in place will attract top talent to your organization.

Running your assessment and development centres using E-valuate tool on iPads or laptops will revolutionize your assessment process, saving you time, money and resources. Also it will help to gather and analyses all of the data in one place to generate powerful evidence for validity, benchmarking and evaluation.

Benefits of using e-Valuate:

  1. Having everything managed in system has definite advantage of reducing clumsy paperwork. The work is done in more systematic and orderly fashion.
  2. You get to know the schedules, timetables, score of candidates stored in a system in seconds.
  3. Security of data and consistency is maintained.
  4. Saving you time and money

Book a consultation to get more information on e-Valuate.

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