Knowledge CenterLIVED Leadership Development

Do you have effective leadership development program to train future leaders?

Do you know whether the development program is really working?

Do your middle and lower level managers get leadership training or is it only for senior and executive level managers?

What do your employees think about the program?

Leadership development plays an important role in success and sustainability of any organization. Companies invest huge amount of money in leadership training and development programs. The objective of leadership programs is to enhance skills of leaders to think strategically.

LIVED Leadership Development program focuses on developing skills to handle challenges in business world. The program modules are interactive and facilitate learning from each other. These modules deliver the important elements of effective leadership – Learning, Intellect, Values, Emotions and Drive (LIVED).

LIVED solution is flexible and high quality. It can be used in different kinds of organisations, business sectors and cultures, individual needs and interests. It is built around 6 factors vital to the success of managers: influence, communication, thinking and acting systematically, self-awareness, resiliency, and learning agility. The program includes following leadership development topics:

  1. Soft skills and leadership skills
  2. Effective communication, especially cross-cultural communication
  3. English language ability
  4. Networking opportunities
  5. Community service activity and a sense of service

What participants learn through this program:

  1. Bridge the gap between senior management & the front line.
  2. Lead across organizational or geographical boundaries.
  3. Learn the art of collaboration.
  4. Solve complicated problems & take wise action in complex, rapidly changing conditions.
  5. Manage stress, build resiliency & leverage multiple life roles.
  6. Build a network of supportive leaders to continue development.

Features of LIVED program:

  1. Contents of program are customized to organizational challenges, industry and culture.
  2. Program assessment measures its impact
  3. Program add-ons enhance learning experience and application

Benefits of LIVED Leadership Development program:

  1. A scalable approach to developing leaders that will build your leadership pipeline and directly impact your organization’s bottom line.
  2. Designed for today’s learner – concise resources, on demand, mobile delivery
  3. Provides on-the-job application tools for immediate results
  4. Personalised and deliver the optimal learning blend to meet both formal and more informal learning needs.

You can watch a demo and book a consultation to get more information about LIVED Leadership Development program.

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