Knowledge CenterPinsight

Creative, participatory teaching techniques are important tools of training. One such set of tools is simulation and role playing. These approaches have high group member involvement while facilitating meaningful and fun learning.

Pinsight has brought virtual simulations for leadership development and successions planning. The leaders are presented with simulated work-related challenging scenario. They interact with Pinsight actors and in the process gain valuable experience, which they would not get in classroom training sessions. The scenarios presented are very realistic and assessors can observe participant’s behaviour through virtual simulation exercises. Participants get to practise leadership skills as well as get the feedback on how they are doing.

Leadership Development:

Pinsight has different set of simulations for leaders of different levels. Depending on the leadership level, crucial competencies and personality traits are assessed such as ability to build team spirit, communication, setting strategic priorities, risk management, ability to formulate clear vision etc. After the simulation session, interactive report is presented giving participant’s behaviour feedback. These reports also guide them to create development plans.

Succession Planning:

Pinsight helps companies to avoid using past performance to predict future success, which results in poor succession planning. Leadership Simulation enables companies to measure the difference between ‘high potential’ and ‘ready now’ candidates before making succession decisions. Pinsight simplifies tedious and complicated talent review process for companies. They can simply run key employees through the simulations and assess their performance and potential at the same time.

For more information on virtual simulations, Contact TMTR People Solutions and talk to our experts.

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