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Leadership development and succession planning have become important tasks for businesses as good leadership has the single biggest impact on the performance of organizations. Leadership is important because of the fact that a good leader is able to make even non-performers perform and do more with less. Taking leadership development seriously also helps you retain talent. 

Our leadership development services and training can help you instil the right leadership qualities in your people. We help people understand their current skills and leadership style, and how their role relates to the organization’s strategic goals.

Our Performance and Promotion services are dedicated to helping companies optimize the employee performance. This is ensured through employee training, feedback, performance review and analysis. We will help you create a link between the employee’s day-to-day responsibilities and the organization’s goals. This helps employees understand how they are working toward those business goals. Along with leadership development and employee retention, our tools benefit the organizations in succession planning. Our performance appraisal softwares develop employees for all key areas in the organization.

Why choose our Performance, Promotion and Succession Planning services?

  1. Our services include detail study of your organization, developing candidates, formulating employee evaluation plan and identifying major positions for succession planning.
  2. You receive a well strategic plan describing your organization’s mission and your currently existing priorities.
  3. We offer customized solutions using innovative performance evaluation softwares
  4. We help you identify current job responsibilities and skills and assess potential internal successors to key positions.
  5. You get a development/recruitment plan to ensure future organizational needs are attained in a highly competitive job market. 

We use following Performance and Promotion tools to meet your unique needs:

  1. 360 Feedback A feedback process where superiors, peers and even customers evaluate employees. This tool helps the company to measure performance, improve employee development, and build employee engagement.
  2. 360 Focus360 Focus specializes at looking at the big picture for your brand, product or service. It connects the different elements of your business, internally and externally.
  3. Dilemma Series It is a type of aptitude test that assesses judgement required for solving problems in work-related situations. It is useful for assessing soft skills and non-academic, practical intelligence.
  4. e-Valuate A Paperless assessment system to organize company’s interview schedule, timetables, assessment criteria, competencies etc. It revolutionizes assessment process saving you time, money and resources.
  5. Virtual DC It is a comprehensive tool that is used to map out employee potential. VDC uncovers employees’ key competencies and measures the effectiveness of management training.

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