Knowledge CenterHR Technology & Organisation Development

Digital transformation has enabled the evolution of HR as a key differentiator with a significant influence on organization change and business. Successful Organization development (OD) interventions are a result of data-driven processes highly dependent on Information technology. The efforts are aimed at targeted developmental feedback aimed at driving leadership and managerial effectiveness, self-directed learning and tools to support culture. To deliver employee experiences that are human- centric in nature, the HR Function leverages the latest technologies to deliver personalized, compelling, and relationship-based experiences. The changing nature of data, the dynamics within a workforce workforce, and marketplace changes are shaping the nature of current and future organizations and the practices of OD. Some of the imperatives being experienced today includes - a shift to digital over mechanical, insights over data, talent over employees, changing skills sets; Hence, future capabilities require highly incisive OD interventions.

Leveraging technology platforms can make a significant impact on managing change, especially coming from a process centric mindset to outcome-based mindset. In this digital era, an organization’s competitiveness will depend on talent readiness, evolving skill sets, manging diversity, and all-encompassing perspectives for resultant organizational excellence. There is an important shift in the expectations of employees who need work experiences that are personal, authentic, and engaging. Deploying new age technology platforms will hold employee attention through specific learning. We partner with leaders and organizations to define their vision and map out their future. We leverage the strengths of our Global affiliates with state of art platforms for employee engagement, climate surveys, 360-degree feedback, virtual assessment centres, LIVED coaching, and personalize systems can help create and nurture healthy and vibrant organizations. Our talent assessment and development leadership practices enable a shift in mindset that is progressive to maximize personal and organizational effectiveness, and strategic HR capability to unleash the organization potentiality.


Performance development is one primal focus and over the years, coaching is gaining popularity as a management development activity to facilitate organizational change. To sustain a long-term change, the investment and effort must be well directed towards coaching, mentoring and counselling. It is worthwhile to explore the relationship among the coachee’s feedback receptivity, learning goal orientation, and developmental self-efficacy.  We focus on individual’s needs including personal growth, self-awareness, task performance, to impact performance dramatically and make better decisions.

In order to transform the culture of an organization by examining leadership behaviors, while we help leaders move from “command and control” to “co-create”, “connect” and “made aware”, emphasizing the importance of being a mentor as well as a team player. Intentionality has a major role to play to create a meaningful transformation across the levels of organization. We enable leader to leverage their strengths in order to boost commitment, retention of thought and most importantly, the performance of talented professionals to unleash their potential throughout the organization. Assess Systems, and LIVED coaching instruments help us identify the strengths and developmental areas in a scientific manner.


Employee engagement occupies the heart of the organization and has a direct relation to the outcome and the resultant behaviors impact the surrounding. An engagement survey does not measure the happiness of an employee; rather it focuses on measuring the connect with the mission and objectives of the company. This results in reduced staff turnover, improvement in productivity and efficiency to retain customers at a higher-level rate; thus helping make more profits.

Employee satisfaction revolves around Ownership and responsibility which have always been the areas where one is expected to anchor. Organization objectives are represented by managers, and it becomes imperative to measure and understand employees’ attitude, feedback, motivation and satisfaction. When employees feel the company has their best interests at heart, they often support its mission and work hard to help achieve its objectives.

Climate survey has linkages to the culture and has always been a central to any organic body. It is consisted of properties of the work environment that is perceived directly or indirectly by the employees. This is vital force that influences employee behaviors. Employee Climate Surveys provide a picture of your organization's needs. These surveys can be used to solicit employee opinions on a variety of issues such as the company's success in communicating its mission to employees, or local issues such as quality of the working environment. 

Virtual platform for AC/DC

Virtual assessments  can greatly expand its reach and effectiveness. Our virtual assessment centre (A&DC) can take advantage of emerging technologies to expand its reach and effectiveness. One way this transformation can occur is through the development of a virtual assessment centre (VAC) that takes advantage of emerging technologies to make it possible for participants from all around the world to take part. It enables viability—affordances, challenges, and opportunities—of new technologies for use in a VAC, and offers a report on how a virtual-world platform employed to conduct a global business simulation is a proof of concept for the VAC, especially in taking advantage of big data for individual and team assessment.


  1. Virtual assessment centre to take advantage of emerging technologies
  2. Engagement and climate surveys to monitor the working environment
  3. Management development and change management through executive coaching
  4. Leveraging technology platform to meet workforce readiness and outcome-based mindset
  5. Conducts Individual and team assessment (psychometric and 360-degree) and provide feedback for developmental actions

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